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A private bot to get around Discord's requirment to submit an application to use the Messages Intent Gateway.
(after being denied 3 times)





Hours Of Operation
Spent Programming This Project


  Lily (Main, Lead, Owner, Creator) GitHub


Packages (Nuget)

  • Discord.NET v3.15.3
  • Lib.Harmony by pardeike v2.3.3
  • Serilog by v4.0.1
    • Serilog.Sinks.Expressions v5.0.0
    • Serilog.Sinks.Console v6.0.0
    • Serilog.Sinks.File v6.0.0
  • Quartz by Marko Lahma v3.13.0
  • RestSharp by alexey_zimarev 111.4.1
  • YoutubeExplode by Tyrrrz 6.4.0

Programs & Services Used

  • JetBrains v2024.2
    • Rider
    • dotPeek
  • Sublime Text
  • Visual Studio Code
  • GitKraken
  • APIs
    • Spotify



prefix commands

  • Stats - Shows general statistics about the bot


slash commands

  • ServerInfo - Shows general information about the guild


slash commands; only for admins to set up
Have the bot add upvote and/or downvote emojis on each song posted in a channel. Keeps track of posted songs for a multi-server mini-leaderboard.
Each track in a Spotify Album will increment the banger count by 1.

  • Toggle <true|false> - Toggles the banger system
  • SetChannel <#channel> - Sets the banger channel
  • AddURL <string> - Adds a URL to the banger whitelist
  • RemoveURL <string> - Removes a URL from the banger whitelist
  • AddExt <string> - Adds a file extension to the banger whitelist
  • RemoveExt <string> - Removes a file extension from the banger whitelist
  • AddUpvote <true|false> - Adds an upvote reaction to a banger post
  • AddDownvote <true|false> - Adds a downvote reaction to a banger post
  • UseCustomUpvote <true|false> - Use a custom upvote emoji
  • UseCustomDownvote <true|false> - Use a custom downvote emoji
  • SetCustomUpvote <name> <id> - Sets a custom upvote emoji
  • SetCustomDownvote <name> <id> - Sets a custom downvote emoji
  • SpeakFreely <true|false> - Allow users to talk freely in the banger channel
  • OfferToReplace <true|false>1 - Toggles the Offer YouTube video for Spotify track replacement *
  • ListEverything - Lists all URLs and file extensions
  • GetBangerCount2 - Gets the number of bangers submitted in this guild

1 - If enabled, when someone posts a Spotify track, the bot will ask if they want to replace that track with a YouTube link equivalent.
2 - Available for anyone to use command

Context Menu
  • Find Banger (Ephemeral) - Finds the whitelisted URL in a message and verifies if it is a banger
  • Lookup Spotify on YouTube (Ephemeral) - Uses Spotify Links to look up that song on YouTube


slash commands
Have members manage their own personal role; name & color

  • CreateRole - Creates a personalized role for you
  • UpdateRole - Updates your personalized role
  • RemoveRole - Removes your personalized role
  • Admin Commands
    • Toggle <true|false> - Toggles the personalized members system
    • SetChannel <#channel> - Sets a channel to only allow personalized member commands
    • SetDefaultRole <@role> - Sets the default role for users to be granted when they remove their personalized role
    • RemoveDefaultRole <@role> - Removes the default role for your personalized role system
    • SetResetTime <number> - Sets the time in seconds for when a user's personalized role is reset
    • AddRoleTo <@user> <@role> - Adds a role to the user as well as the personalized role system
    • RemoveRoleFrom <@user> - Removes a role from the user as well as the personalized role system
    • ForceUpdateRole <@user> - Let's an admin force update the user's role


slash commands; only for admins to set up
Let the bot notify when a user Join or Leaves the guild

  • EnableJoin <true|false> - Toggles Join Feature
  • UpdateJoinChannel <CHANNEL> - Sets Channel to send notices to
  • JoinMessage <TEXT> - Join Text (available variables: {user}, {guild}, {pm.ChannelId}, {pm.Timer}, <br>)
  • EmbedJoin <true|false> - Sets Join notice as an embed (mostly for private channels)
  • ShowDetailedEmbed <true|false> - Adds extra detail to embed
  • DMJoinMessage <true|false> - DMs the (text only) Join message to the user [if DMs are enabled]
  • EnableLeave <true|false> - Toggles Leave Feature
  • UpdateLeaveChannel <CHANNEL> - Sets Channel to send notices to
  • LeaveMessage <TEXT> - Leave Text (available variables: {user}, {guild}, <br>)
  • EmbedLeave <true|false> - Sets Leave notice as an embed (mostly for private channels)
  • ShowDetailedLeave <true|false> - Adds extra detail to embed